Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everything is Similar

Everything in perspective is the same, you see the same, hear the same, and taste the same. Whats the fun in that. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. portrays an interesting and different way to look at life if everyone was exactly the same.  Everday everything is the same nothing changes, how do you tell whose who, how do you make yourself different from others, truth is you can't.
Uniqueness is something that makes people who they are. How are you supposed to tell the difference between one person and another if they all look alike? Personally this story is very dumb and I don't agree with it. It is telling me that similarity is alright and that you should follow everything someone else does. In example if someone is smoking in front of another person that person is supposed to grab the cigarette and join them. That is just wrong, similarity doesn't let one express themselves through their clothes, personalities, or just how they say things.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. expresses what he thought the world would be like during the 2081, if we look at life nowadays the things he explained in the story aren't true. It may not be 2081 yet but it's only 70 years away and I don't believe we can figure out how to make everyone similar whether we like it or not. "Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else", this sentence makes one think that the world is going to be very boring in the next 70 years.
Imagine waking up in your early 80's to the same thing every single day. To a house with no color, clothes with no emotion and people who are exactly like you. Boring right? With us only being in the year 2011 I personally would like to keep things the way they are. I'm not saying I like violence or global warming, but I don't want people or places to change so that no is different from one another. The way we live today is the way we should live for a long time to come.

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